Bike unde Amsterdam street

Going to town Amsterdam on the river Amstel, I asked friends, what he, this island of freedom in a prim Europe? And I heard such mixed reviews, that one is to doubt the adequacy of perception of reality storytellers during their stay in it. It is only found himself in Amsterdam, I understood his main secret: most of all it looks like a magic box, giving everyone the treasure, that this man needed most.

First, what we did in Amsterdam, - rented a couple of bikes. This Bicycles in Amsterdamthe city is not in vain is considered the capital of cycling - it has everything to confirm this title. Bicycle paths - it is not just painted on the side of the road band, and offices and on the road, and from the sidewalk canvas specifically for two-wheelers. Priority over cars there, where, because of the narrowness of the streets of a single track can be done. Its traffic lights and signs. Their, very unusual design bikes, which can be at ease to sit with your back straight. Bike here - no entertainment and no way to keep yourself in shape, but simply a means of transportation, lung, cheap and ubiquitous.

And we liked it! Looking ahead to say, that one day we spent, walking around the city on foot, and understood, that compared with the cycling is really boring!

Distant Shores Marken

To roll along the narrow streets along the canals on the first day, We decided to, that it is ready for more serious exploits, and the morning of the second day went to the island of Marken in 25 kilometers from the city. To this end, we crossed the Gulf, separates the city center from the north of Amsterdam, a free ferry and drove the red bike trail. At the same time forgetting to bring your card. And of course, get lost. But there we waited a long day, around - Dutch rural idyll, and so sad there was no reason. We wandered along the paths, photographed the cows, the boat-house, the wind generators. But since there is a small distance, and all the inhabitants of the Netherlands speak in English and always willing to suggest the road, we made it safely to the island, which is connected with the mainland long dam. Inhabited by monks in the XII century Marken very color. Because of their remoteness and isolation from the 'mainland', here it has developed its own unique culture, where residents are proud of and stored for centuries. National costumes, which still go on to church Sundays, interior, architecture houses. surprisingly, but in, as though descended from the medieval engravings, people live the present, not invented specifically for the life of tourists. And it is amazing combination creates a feeling of absolute detachment from the crazy rhythm of the XXI century.
On the back of the wind was favorable road, and we were more attentive to the signs, and the way to Amsterdam took 1,5 hours. By the way, bicycle paths in Holland often repeated traffic highways and laid over a shorter or more scenic path. And for those traveling on them, each branching index set to the distance to all major cities. Then we once went out of the city on a bicycle - and never lost.


In our personal rating Amsterdam - the leader in number of visits to museums. Let's go in order. first, to which we have sent your feet, It was the Van Gogh Museum.

But there was such a place, we decided to postpone the meeting with the great Vincent to a more favorable moment. But sentiment on the perception of beauty was already so strong, that almost in desperation, we went to the nearby Museum of Modern Art - "Sgedelik". And do not regret it! Malevich, Kandinskii, Picasso - and this is just the familiar names, as well as author unknown to me! And the museum is represented not only art. Really liked the collection of stories of everyday items - furniture, dishes, household items from the beginning of the XX century until about the 60s. Of course, us as unsophisticated audience at times it was very funny. Lend yourself: in a wooden frame spanned white canvas, according to which in a number of, at regular intervals, made markings, are obtained, if it is close to the white surface bring burning match. In my childhood bullies all entrances adorned such art.

But the most interesting, that neither our admiration, nor have the oppressive laughter, nobody paid attention - no perturbed views and resentment from his aunts-custodians or connoisseurs of the number of visitors. Here she is, Freedom in action!

The Van Gogh Museum we, of course, It was the second time. Well what can we say? picture perfect, museum of horror - incomprehensible logic placement works, narrow stairs, crush. I personally do not understand, how to enjoy the works of art in such a crowd of people. That's why we did not go to the next museum - Rijksmuseum (the country's main museum) - admire the works of Rembrandt, and went into the house to watch the artist, as the great painter lived. But he lived well. spacious house, which has everything you need: and living rooms, and room for bargaining, and workshop, and studio, and a gym with students, and rarities store.

It was there that I first saw a real alcove. I used to think, it's just a beautiful word to describe the chic bed, but it was almost the other way around: Dutch sleeping in closets, bolt on the inside. And we slept sitting, because it was believed, that the flow of blood to the head, that can happen, if sleep lying down, It leads to death.

The museum showed us, as paints were made in the time of Rembrandt: colorant powder rubbed on a flat stone, was added and the oil was triturated again, and so on until, until you get the desired consistency of paint. In the XVII century colorants were very expensive, ready to paint on a palette withered quickly, so the artist had to write quickly, to use a portion of the prepared paints until the end of the day.

Having been in Amsterdam, not to be missed and the Anne Frank Museum, Jewish girl, which with their relatives and friends of the family for two years hiding in the back house office, before the war belonged to her father. The diary of Anne, which tells about the living conditions in the asylum, the relationship between the displaced neighbors, about growing up and teenagers throwing, took place in a confined space without the possibility to go outside or talk to someone, except for fugitives, He struck me as a young man. And here I was in this shelter, I saw this small dark room.

It seems to me, that Anne Frank Museum may be one reason that freedom, so that there is in this city: amsterdamtsev in front of the eyes is always a very clear example of, to the horror of what leads a person to limit his most basic needs: life, freedom, joy, the right to be yourself.

life parade

First, that is evident in Amsterdam, - lack of curtains on the windows. Their no one else, so that, walking around the city, you can easily look through the windows and study the life of citizens. they say, tradition is to leave the windows open since the days of the Spanish occupation of the Netherlands. If the Spanish authorities were so afraid of conspiracies, that banned on pain of death curtain window. Since then, not to hide from the looks of passers-by - a local tradition. Ajax not only did not hide behind the curtains, but also easily take out the chairs on the sidewalk, to chat with a neighbor for a glass of wine, read a book or just stare at the tourists, plying city streets.


The channels have a special place in the life of the Dutch. They love them and actively use. On channels live – Barge-house distributed not only in Amsterdam, but also across the country. Channels used as a promenade in nice weather: locals like to walk on their own boats, in good company, wine and cheese. In sunny weather, here is a real parade of boats - from rusty pimped up luxury items. In rural areas, the Dutch use the narrow channels as fences and dividers sites. Moreover,, despite, width that they are sometimes no more than two meters, all swans are inhabited, ducks, coots.


Amsterdam - a paradise for lovers of unusual veshchichek. The area around Prinsengracht (It is one of the central channels) full of antique shops, more similar to the storeroom of some crazy junk, but with amazing treasures within.


The main gastronomic wonder of the Netherlands can be considered as not even the famous Dutch cheese, and herring. It is surprisingly tasty and not salty. We came out of season, and therefore we had to show remarkable persistence in the search for. Usually, herring served in restaurants, and sell on the stalls, as hot dogs. This is a real Dutch food - when we asked local, where you can buy, the word haring (herring) all breaks into a smile and even a little- just licking.


This is the first, what we are asking friends, when we talk about the trip to Amsterdam. But we have nothing, "peppered" can not tell. All filth collected in the "red light district", and besides, he is so regulated, that somehow, even boring. It was a little uncomfortable, when we were in the quarter together with football fans, to celebrate the victory of the "Ajax". But they were quite friendly, though very drunk and noisy.

Amsterdam is really diverse city, he can show everyone comes to see him the face, that man himself wants to see.